Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Just a Beaver

Ladies and gentlemen, get up and give a round of applause to the young canadian that made young girls scream, faint and drop their panties! This here is Justin bieber, tarted his career on YouTube and got Usher AND Justin Timberlake to fight over him to see who was going to coach his future career.
Kay, enough butt kissing, this kid here is a pain. Was. Well.. Still is. When he started, he was very young and needed some experience I'll give you that, but that doesn't really make up for that sorry excuse he called ''Baby.'' It was even said he took pills in order for his voice to not go through puberty in order to still sing his songs with the same notes he could hold back in the days. Eventually, he learned from his mistakes and made some decent songs, I'll give him that. But why in the world would he have to spit on his fans? Because of this incident, he can no longer go to the UK. After all these events, him dating Selena Gomez was quite.. let's say fortunate for him, as it may be the only thing people actually respect him for. Note also that he's been caught sleeping with a Brasillian prostitute. Yeah, good job, son, good way to make a name for yourself.. Oh well, Canadians can't all be nice after all, right? Wonder what would've happened had he gone with Justin Timberlake instead.


Little Jonathan Smith, aka. Lil John, aka. What! aka Yeah! aka. OK! is an american rapper that is mostly known for.. Well, shouting all sorts of things on the mike. He isn't really known for his content but more by his crispy voice while saying these things. His grills also make him believe that he just HAS to show them to the public, making it somewhat weird; feeling proud of ones smile's because it's covered by glitter...
As you can see from this video, one of its most recents, he doesn't actually say anything important. It's more like he's featuring in the video. The song could actually pass on Mr.Jon and still wouldn't change all that much. To be completely honest, even the song isn't all that important.. We could totally live without it, not like it's a must hear.

Thursday, 5 December 2013


Party rock. That's it: Party. ROCK. See, I don't tend to take things literally, but when you talk about rock, make it about rock! I mean, I'm not here trying to burn them to the ground, don't worry, but we have to admit their music genre is far from ''Rock.'' They used to be into electronic dance music. Note I said used to since they are no longer togheter. The group had two artists: Redfoo and Skyblu, two guys that seem to do Movember all year long. But yeah, let's cut to the chase, I feel like we've come to a point where the music has come down to noise over content. Believe me, it's not wrong, I do love me some instrumentals, but when what you talk about is pretty much useless.. Why bother? I mean, Shots '' SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SHO-SHO-SHO-SHOTS.'' That's pretty much one of their biggest hits.. I'm not going to say that I'm glad they got separated, they made somewhat of good ''noise'' as I called it earlier, but fame could've definitely gone somewhere else.

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Good Girl Gone Bad

Remember our little angel? The protagonist of Hannah Montana where she's a normal girl living a super star life in the night. Quite hero like if you ask me. But still, how did she turn out to become what she is now? Smoking weed in the European Music Awards while it is prohibited to do so. And having done it in front of thousands of people AND millions of fans watching at home? Sometimes I just wonder how she went from the sweet country singer she was to.. Well.. THIS! And to be honest, I'm surprised her tongue hasn't gone dry from all the tiome she's been pulling it out in order to look ''Hot.''
Also, did I mention she's become the new head of Twerking? We might as well call her Twerquake or something. Who knows, maybe she went twerk of treating for Halloween. Twerk Twerk Twerk. And not to judge her based on her body but.. Who is she trying to excite with her chicken butt? Poor Billy Ray Cyrus only wishes he had pulled faster had he known this was coming..

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Drake be like..

Alright, alright, alright. This man right here actually have some bit of talent. Quite a bit in fact. You might recognize him from the popular TV Series Degrassi. His name is Drake, his hair looks like 5 gum packs. Still debating on whether or not they're going to sue him for using their logo or if he's actually getting paid to give publicity like that. Unlike the previous two ''artists'' he speaks about heartbreaks. Sure, it's fun and all, until he makes you cry while remembering every single good moments with your ex. You might think it's a joke, but when it's up to the point people make fun of him because of his content.. Maybe it's time to upgrade to a more fresh lyrics.

Also, speaking of his music. Can someone please tell me how his latest hit ''Started from the bottom'' actually made sense? I mean, he didn't really start from the bottom.. He was adopted by somewhat wealthy peaople, was a teenage TV Star and then became one of the top Pop stars out there.

Monday, 2 December 2013

'' Barbie girl in a Barbie world''

Oh, look, a wild Mrs.Rainbow hair appeared! Now, do not think I'm starting to hate on her for no reason already. She is none other than Niki Minaj, or as I like to call her: The living Barbie. Reason for her nickname is that she just looks so fake. First off, her badonkadonks are way too ginormous to be real and her behind makes us think about the circumferences and radius to find out X to our Y did you do this!? Her subjects tend to go hand to hand with Mr Waynus' ones but refers to her audience as ''Bitches.'' You can say that she's the alpha female of the industry, ruling over us with her bipolar facial expressions
The: What D'you Just Say?


The: Jalapeno out my mouth

Curtus Waynus

Now, here we have a specimen unlike any other. I present you Lil' Wayn (Curtus Waynus.) This ''artist'' has been known for his scratchy voice and to be fair, useless talent. If you thought ''Roses are red Violets are blue, I don't know where I'm going and I don't care as long as I'm with you'' was cliché and lacked originality, you clearly haven't heard Waynus' verses, rhyming anything with N*ger or as he likes to refer to them, ''Niggahs.'' He also tends to talk about beautiful women as his ''Bitches'' and mostly provides no content whatsoever. To be honest, the world would be better with instrumentals than poor rhymes and little to no content whatsoever in the songs..

J.. Just how id it end up like this?

Okay. Guys. Listen up. What's up with all this ''music'' that's being produced? I mean, this isn't even art no more. What happened to all the good times? When  music actually had a meaning behind them, not just about smoking weed, having cars, money and women, that get SO degraded with all these songs. All negativity apart, some music produced are actually good, with talent, kudos to them. Now, we have to figure out how we went from The Beatles to some other nobodies as Lil' Wayne or Niki Minaj. Now, this may sound pessimistic all way through, but when the music industry is at stake, might as well hear everyone's voices on it.