Party rock. That's it: Party. ROCK. See, I don't tend to take things literally, but when you talk about rock, make it about rock! I mean, I'm not here trying to burn them to the ground, don't worry, but we have to admit their music genre is far from ''Rock.'' They used to be into electronic dance music. Note I said used to since they are no longer togheter. The group had two artists: Redfoo and Skyblu, two guys that seem to do Movember all year long. But yeah, let's cut to the chase, I feel like we've come to a point where the music has come down to noise over content. Believe me, it's not wrong, I do love me some instrumentals, but when what you talk about is pretty much useless.. Why bother? I mean, Shots '' SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SHO-SHO-SHO-SHOTS.'' That's pretty much one of their biggest hits.. I'm not going to say that I'm glad they got separated, they made somewhat of good ''noise'' as I called it earlier, but fame could've definitely gone somewhere else.
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